What is the Auditorium Crew

 What is the Auditorium Crew

The Kennard-Dale Auditorium Crew is a vital part of all productions and functions that take place in the high school auditorium.  We take care of the lighting, video, sound, and rigging for all events.  We make all events held at Kennard-Dale as professional as possible. Working as part of the auditorium crew allows you to be a member of the Kennard-Dale Drama Club and will earn you points towards the International Thespian Society.  Students need to learn all aspects of the auditorium, but may specialize in a specific area.

If you like this kind of work, you should sign up for my course 575 - Music Production Techniques. 

A related course would be course 052 - Media Production.



The lighting in the auditorium can be operated manually or by the computer.  Students will learn how to hang lighting, patch the lights to make different designs, gel lights, and how to program the computer to run the lighting.  Students will also learn how to run the spotlight.



We record and broadcast events to the rest of the school.  Students will learn how to operate the camera in a professional manner.  Students will also learn how to use an LCD projector with computers and video/dvd players.



At Kennard-Dale, we have a DDA 40 slide mixing board and stereo sound system.  Students will learn how to use the board along with the audio recording of events.



This includes all of the curtains, the cyc, the scrim, and the balancing of all items that go on the fly.  Students will also help in the construction and painting of set pieces used in our productions.

Additional Opportunities

Students that do outstanding work with the school year functions have the opportunity to work for outside organizations that rent our facilities.  The services provided for these events are paid for by the outside organization.  Sound technicians receive $12.00 per hour.  Lighting, video, and rigging personnel receive $10.00 per hour.  Students may also have opportunities to work at the Strand, York Little Theatre, the Pullo Center, or with other professionals.

Who do I see if I have a question?

 Ms. Barbara Peterson is the director and advisor.  She can be located in the main office.