

On behalf of the faculty and staff, we take pleasure in welcoming you to the Kennard-Dale High School webpage. Our webpage serves as a virtual gateway to the various opportunities and resources that make Kennard-Dale High School an exceptional educational institution. Here you will find a wealth of information about our educational community, extracurricular activities, and support services that foster the development of a well-rounded student.

The goal of Kennard-Dale High School is EXCELLENCE and striving to reach this goal must be a cooperative effort on the part of the students, teachers, administrators, parents and community. We earnestly solicit your cooperation in this venture and assure you that the result will be well worth the effort. Therefore, we urge parents/guardians to become actively involved in their student’s studies and extracurricular activities while taking pride in what KDHS has to offer.

As an administrative team, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We believe in the power of education to unlock the full potential of every individual, and our dedicated team of educators strives to empower students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and lifelong learners. The KDHS Administrative team works each day to support our students, staff, and faculty in pursuit of our shared goal of creating learners who will strengthen the global community.

Through this webpage, we aim to keep you updated on the latest school news, important announcements, upcoming events, and ways to get involved. We encourage you to explore the different sections of our webpage, including the staff directory, student section, parent section, and departments. We value open communication and collaboration between the school, students, parents, guardians, and the South Eastern School District community. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us and help us enhance the educational experience for everyone.

Chad L. Brindle, Ed.D.