Medication Policy and Medication Form

Medication Policy                                                                                                                   Medication Policy
Our Medication Policy

Any student in need of prescription or over-the-counter medicine during the school day must have it delivered to the health suite (room 146) by their parent/guardian. For the most part, prescribed medicine will be made available on a single-dose basis only by the school nurse. It is important to note that no medication will be dispensed unless it is in the container labeled with the dosage and the student's name, and the submission of a form that includes physician's instructions for giving the medication in school.

Discretionary medication (Antacid, Antibiotic Cream, Generic Tylenol, Cough Drops, and Generic Advil) in school shall not be given unless the parent/guardian gives written permission which is on the Student Emergency Card Record Update. 

It is thought that certain pupils enrolled in South Eastern School District need and should be permitted to take legitimate medication during the school day. This policy is for the purpose of encouraging cooperation in this regard among school personnel, families, and physicians in order to serve the best interests of all concerned.

Medication Form
