Home of the Rams
393 Main Street
Fawn Grove, PA 17321
Phone: 717-382-4871
Fax: 717-382-4869
Welcome to Kennard-Dale High School! We hope this site provides you
with the information that you are looking for whether you are just
browsing or you are trying to learn more about our school.
Kennard-Dale High
School boasts a longstanding tradition of excellence. At the core of
that tradition is a caring and committed teaching staff that provides
many opportunities for student learning and success. And as we have
settled into the new millennium, it continues to be our challenge to
make high school as meaningful as possible to the 21st century student.
recognize that we must endeavor to meet the needs of a diverse student
population by creating opportunities for our motivated students while
providing assistance to our students in need. To that end, our current
initiatives at the high school include offering college courses and
on-line courses; providing more advanced placement opportunities; and
developing a student mentoring program and transition team.
also feel strongly that getting students involved in something beyond
the regular school day is integral to student success. One of the
benefits of our high school is the number of opportunities we can offer
for students to get involved. Our student clubs and organizations,
performing arts groups and athletic teams offer students the chance to
be a part of something positive and rewarding. Our school counselors
are available to assist each student in their involvement.
KDHS family, comprised of teachers, administrators and support staff,
welcome you to participate in your child’s education. The success of our
students in both academics and extracurricular activities is remarkable
but it will only reach its fullest potential when we all work together.
Please join us in making your child’s high school experience a
meaningful and rewarding one.