Service is generally considered to be those actions undertaken by the student which are done for or on behalf of others (not including family members) without any direct financial or material compensation. In considering service, contributions each candidate has made to both the school and the community will be reviewed.
The successful candidate will have participated in a minimum of 30 hours of service since the start of 9th grade, at least 15 of those hours within the last year. Both school and community related activities count toward the 30 hours. A maximum of 30% of service hours may be school service (as opposed to community service). There shall be a minimum of 2 different types of service. Service completed during the hours of school attendance are not eligible. Religious affiliated service is permitted as long as it is not for or part of a religious ceremony or service. The hours must be those of actual service and not attendance (i.e. mission trips will be awarded a maximum of 8 hours service per day).
Hours must be completed and entered before October 1st during the year of candidacy.
Please keep a log of your service hours so that you know how many you have entered.