What is the International Thespian Society

What is the International Thespian Society

Commitment to theatre is what the International Thespian Society is all about.  The society was established in 1929.  The name originates from Thespis, the Greek, who according to legend, was the first actor.  The guiding principle of the organization is the dedication to excellence in theatre arts in secondary schools.  The society strives to honor those students who do theater well.  Kennard-Dale has been apart of the International Thespian Society for 29 years.

How do I get inducted into the International Thespian Society

Induction into the International Thespian Society is obtained by receiving points for the different activities that you complete for Kennard-Dale Theatre.  Students must obtain 10 points in order to be inducted.  For a complete list of how to get points, pick up the Thespian Point System flier or click on the website page Thespian Point System.


Who do I see if I have a question?

 Ms. Barbara Peterson is the director and advisor.  She can be located in the main office.